Tag Archives: Baltic Sea

Spring Update

The world turned upside down and it’s difficult to stop watching the news, if you live in Europe, but here are some good news.

I see more Ukrainian flags in Berlin then German ones. A lot of people come up with good ideas to help the refugees.

Continue reading Spring Update

Bye-bye Rostock

I have had some wonderful last days in Rostock and moving away  yesterday was not easy for me. Do you know these moments when you look out of the window and you realize “I like it here” and you start to sniff…and then big tear drops roll down your cheeks and you tell yourself “stop weeping”. I know there is nothing to worry about. I found a new job in Berlin for now and sure enough I will find other places with a shore close by – I’m adventures -, but still: saying goodbye is never easy, if you like a place and the people. I felt it before in Halifax and in Oban…just the first time that I got so emotional while moving on in Germany.
Continue reading Bye-bye Rostock

Schwerin, Perleberg, Bad Doberan

[English version below]

Der Mai ist so schön in Deutschland. Es ist überall üppig grün. In den letzten Tagen gab es endlich Regen. Den Tomatenpflanzen geht es prächtig, der Schnittlauch vor dem Fenster streckt sich und auch der Koriander kommt viel schneller als gedacht. Man sollte immer eigene Kräuter anpflanzen – nicht nur in Zeiten von Corona. Das Titelfoto zu diesem Beitrag zeigt übrigens den Brunnen vor dem Bahnhof in Schwerin. Auch die Skulpturen tragen jetzt Masken.

Akelei Flowers

Für die Atlantic Ballet Company habe ich ein kleines Video gedreht. Das soll irgendwann in der Creative Briefs Serie erscheinen (nur auf facebook abrufbar). Sie veröffentlichen jeden Sonntag einen Beitrag. Continue reading Schwerin, Perleberg, Bad Doberan

Dierhagen – Wustrow – Ahrenshoop

[English version below]

Meine Cousine ist genauso gerne am Strand wie ich! Deshalb haben wir uns gestern Morgen schon ganz früh in Rostock getroffen und sind an den Strand gefahren. Unser erster Halt war gegen 10:30 Uhr Dierhagen. Da war es noch recht bewölkt, aber die Luft war herrlich frisch und den Strand hatten wir für uns!

Continue reading Dierhagen – Wustrow – Ahrenshoop

News from the Baltic Sea

I am back in Rostock. Had to dedust everything in my flat share, but at least my roommates remembered me. Mecklenburg-West Pomerania is the province with the fewest Corona cases in Germany at the moment.  The province closed the inner German frontiers for a while, but they are getting back to “normal” now. Restaurants start to open up again…basically the whole province depends on tourism. It’s a bit funny, that all the locals I talk to worry, that they will be overrun by German tourists this summer – as if there are no other beautiful regions in Germany. It’s the number one topic. How about sharing the beauty folks!? You enjoy it all on your own now for weeks…

Rostock Harbor

My cousin moved from Rostock to Bad Doberan, so we made a trip to Heiligendamm and Bad Doberan yesterday. Really lovely little city – I was somewhat amazed! I saw quiet a few nice coffee places, so it’s worse to return on a sunny day and spent more time there. Continue reading News from the Baltic Sea

Hoop News

I hope you all feel hoopy woopy great- at work, at home or on the road!!? Passion and practice is all it takes, if you wanna learn something new.

It’s been a year of learning balance and flow for me. Still working on my handstand. I miss the circus class that I started in Halifax. I just edited a short winter flow clip that you can watch here. I recorded it in January this year at the harbor in Rostock and forgot about it. Winter always means less chances to practice hooping, because it’s getting to cold to hoop outside here in Germany. Hoops love skin contact…clothes make it so much harder to hoop, so every winter flow is challenge. Always wondering how Canadian hoopers solve this problem. Send me your tips and links! 🙂

Cheers from Warnemuende and Rostock! I’m off for my indoor dance class at Tanzland Rostock…


PS: More hoop pics and clips coming up…realized I collected quiet a bit of material over the last few years.


Kiwi Company

They came all the way from Stewart Island to this little city called Rostock and I am in very good company since wednesday! 😉 Deanne and Chris, it’s so great to have you here and be able to show you my favorite places and coffee & cake shops.

That’s us at the Waterfront in Rostock

It’s impossible to keep up with Chirs in terms of writing, so if you wanna know what we have been up to so far check out his farfaraway blog to fallow some of our adventures. I will give you only a few highlights. We started off with a Dinner at the fish restaurant Borwin (expensive, but very good) and I am sure you wanna have fish right away, if you look at these plates – don’t you!? Mmmmm.

Have a closer look at the tasty fish…

Then we spent saturday at the Kunsthalle (Art Museum / right now there is a temporary exhibition about the Palace of the Republik in the former GDR) and went for a walk from Hotel Wilhelmshoehe (great cake) to Warnemuende on sunday. Watch out for horses, dogs and nudies on the beach. 😉


Oh and I should also mention the Fish Farmers Market in Warnemuende (Saturday and Sunday 8am till 6pm).


Today we made a day trip to Sassnitz by train. We hiked about 10 km from the “Königsstuhl” back to Sassnitz in the The Nationalpark Jasmund. (Watch a short film here.) The trail section we hiked is part of the European long distance trail E10.

The trail fallows the shore and gives you a great view over the chalk cliffs once in a while. The weather was perfect and the old beech forest protected us from the sun. Bring a sandwitch for a picnic and lot’s of water with you, because you cant buy anything here unless you pay the entrance fee of 9,50 Euro to the tourist section (with coffee shop and museum). We saved that money and just fallowed the free access to the trail.


How to get there?

To get from Rostock to Sassnitz use a local train RE (2 hours one way). There is one train every two hours. Buy a Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ticket for the local trains / we paid 31 Euros for three people and you can use all the locals trains in this province from 9 am in the morning till 3 am the next day). Once you arrive in Sassnitz leave the train station, turn left annd go to the bus station. Hop on bus number 23 to drive up to the “Königsstuhl”. It’s kind of hard to find out about these things if you don’t speak German. There were hardly any signs and sadly the staff at the train station was not really motivated/happy to help. Anyway…it’s worth your effort. We have been rewarded with a great day!


Germany’s wild East Coast

Hi Everyone!

How is your spring going? I feel like it’s been a little mixed up these last weeks. That the cathedral Notre Dame in Paris burned down really bothered me. I have studied in Paris and like many others I somehow took the monument for granted, but of cause it’s not. It’s fragile – like many other things. Historical buildings, impressive nature, democracy…

It’s way to warm and to dry for spring in Germany. In the news they already talk about another drought and heatwave here this upcoming summer. Over Easter I visited the beautiful little village Rühstädt – famous for the stork couples who come every year.

Continue reading Germany’s wild East Coast

Living on the Coast

Let’s recap 2018 in a few sentences and with a collection of pics of my favorite places here on the Baltic Sea.

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It’s been the first year living on the coast in Germany for me and I really like it. The fresh air, the views, the beach – BBQ at the port. What I struggled with somehow is the popularity of the region. June till August the area was flooded with tourists and I got bugged.

Continue reading Living on the Coast