Tag Archives: Hiking

Bird Island Runde

We felt like locals when we took the longer one hour trail to hike up the hill and along the cliff at the island Runde. It was a hint from the owner of the campsite, who said that the shorter trail is crowded by tourists.

So it was. We were very surprised how many people go for a walk at 7 pm as we have met one person on our trail and all of a sudden you see maybe 60 people with cameras. 🙂 In fact from far away i thought i saw birds. I could not believe these were all people.

Once we arrived it was cleare why we were not alone here. You can observe thausands of cute Puffins.

I read that 100.000 pairs breed there. At one spot they are only an arm length away. It was after 10 pm when we finally hiked back. No problem however, because it never gets really dark in the summer.

Funny side not: I thought I would be able to buy a stylish sleeping mask here, but haven’t seen any. Happy that i can use my very unstylish old one. They could make a lot of money selling these sleeping masks to tourists.

Rondane National Park

We have made it. The overnight trip with the ferry from Kiel to Oslo was nice and we drove to Otta right away.

There was a lovely campside next to a river and Otta is the perfect location, if you plan to do a multiday hike in the Rondane National Park.

We have had perfect weather. There is parking availlable to leave the car behind. Most locals bike down the first 5 km to the DNT hut and start to hike from there. You can rent bikes too, if you arrive very early. The hut was fully booked, but you can camp wild if you leave no trace. We found a place about 1,3 km away from the hut.

Continue reading Rondane National Park

Discover Cassel / Kassel entdecken

[German version below]

Do you know that Kassel has 23 districts? Me neither. I just learned that, because I found a nice website: Kassel Welcome. We often go for long walks now, especially on weekends and started too widen our circles and try new tracks. We know our favorite routes in Bad Wilhelmshöhe to well by now and sometimes I even think I already “know” the fellow strollers. Not by name of course, but I remember the faces and I start thinking “I have seen this old man with his walking frame yesterday”, or the guy with the dog, the family with the two kids…so we need to mix it up a little.

Last week we ended up in the so called “Dönche” twice. It’s the biggest intra-urban protected nature reserve in Germany I learned (das größte innerstädtische Naturschutzgebiet in Deutschland) – sounds impressive, doesn’t it?! I’s a beautiful landscape of meadows, hills and dales. Continue reading Discover Cassel / Kassel entdecken